Downhole, the DX series of Vortex tools enable wells to flow below the critical rate (often down to 50-75% of critical), thereby delaying more costly intervention. The basic principle of the Vortex Tools is creating an organized flow that reduces pressures and friction while increasing velocity. There is no additional energy source (meaning no additional operational carbon footprint) and there are no moving parts (meaning there is nothing to wear out, nothing to maintain).
DX tools also increase water removal, and, if the well has more production to give, the DX tools can help improve production efficiency. Finally, DX tools help lift and disperse chemicals, allowing the operator to reduce soaping by as much as 50%.
With numerous applications in deliquification (as opposed artificial lift), DX tools are available for the following configurations:
- End-of-tubing (DX-EoT)
- Inline (DX-I): Also available for horizontal installations
- Wireline retrievable (DX-WR): Can be run in live, stacked in deep wells, and is also available as a sleeved version (DX-WR-S)
- Plunger lift (DX-PL)
- Velocity string / coiled tubing (DX-VS)
An SPE White Paper (#84136) on the value of these DX-EoT tools reducing flowing bottom hole pressure by an estimated 10-15% is available here.
This DX-WR tool is also ideal for intervention in a declining well. Run in live down the tubing string (and set in a profile nipple or directly in the tubing using collar stops, g anchors, hangers, etc.), this tool provides the same benefits—flattened decline curve, reduced flowing bottom hole pressure, reduced surfactant use, and improved production (dependent on the well)—found in the end-of-tubing (DX-EoT) installations that are usually used when bringing on a new well. In addition, well slugging is reduced and production is stabilized on high-water cut wells.
These DX-WR tools are also able to be stacked in deep well applications in terms of gas/water ratios and extends the flowing cycle of a storage well during recovery. A real-time video visually showing the flow set up by the DX-WR can be found here. A sleeved version of this wireline retrievable tool (the DX-WR-S) is also available to obtain the same benefits with a tool set anywhere in the tubing string.
Contact Vortex Tools for a free analysis of your well efficiency applications.